20% Down – 30 Days (If you need a little more time we will work with you). Defaulting on a lay-a-way will result in a $25.00 charge.
New Guns: New guns are warranted by the manufacturer, though Hoffman’s will gladly handle it for you. If we can repair the problem, then there is no charge. If the firearms has to be returned to the manufacturer, all you pay is a $25.00 S&H charge.
Used Guns: Used guns have a 30 day warranty. Hoffman’s will repair it or allow you full credit towards another gun. No refunds on any firearm – new or used
The State of Connecticut has very specific rules and regulations regarding the purchase of firearms. The below information serves as a guideline. The CT State Firearms Unit should be contacted for more comprehensive rules and limitations.
Hoffman’s will need to contact the CT Firearms Unit to request an authorization for any purchase and must adhere to all CT policies and procedures in this regard.
Identification used in the handling or purchasing of firearms must be valid and not expired.
Purchasers will be required to produce a valid CT Driver’s License or CT Identification Card with a CT address. Those with dual residency must have the CT address on their CT Pistol Permit. Their driver’s license may be out of state but those with dual residency will be asked to attest for the CT Firearms Unit that CT is their primary residency.
When purchasing only with a CT Pistol Permit, Eligibility Certificate, or Long Gun Certificate there are some firearms that are considered non-compliant with CT firearm laws. By way of example, some threaded barreled guns or assault weapons. Magazines must also be only 10 rounds manufactured.
To buy or handle a handgun in Connecticut you must be 21 years of age and produce your CT Pistol Permit or CT Eligibility Certificate.
To buy a rifle or shotgun you must produce your CT Pistol Permit, CT Eligibility Certificate or CT Long Gun Certificate. Legislation in April of 2013 specified that a Hunting License may NO longer be used to purchase firearms in the state of CT. Purchasers with a respective CT NON RESIDENT Pistol Permit may purchase compliant long guns, but must also produce their resident state permit (for example… a resident of MA would need to ALSO produce his/her MA FID card).
Purchasers are responsible for determining if the firearm is legal in their resident state.
For laws regarding assault weapons, please visit the CT Firearms Unit website and review House Bill 6667 File No. 841 June 2023. This bill sets forth a ban on the sale and transfer of ALL assault weapons.
Ammunition can be purchased with a CT Pistol Permit, CT Eligibility Certificate, CT Long Gun Certificate, and an Ammunition Certificate.
Magazines that are CT Compliant (10 rounds manufactured) may be purchased with a CT Pistol Permit, CT Eligibility Certificate, or CT Long Gun Certificate.
Primers and powders may be purchased with a CT Pistol Permit, CT Eligibility Certificate or CT Long Gun Certificate, or valid state Driver’s License.
1. The letter must be from and signed by the chief executive of authority to perform law enforcement duties in the respective town, city, or borough. This means:
NOTE: The chief may appoint a designee for such letter, but a second letter signed from the chief that demonstrates this approved appointment is also required.
NOTE: Simply listing the corresponding statute that allows for such purchases is NOT acceptable.
2. The letter must be on the letterhead of such department, division, commissioner or respective authority. The letter cannot be a boilerplate letter. It MUST list the firearm’s specific make and model. Simply listing “assault weapon” is NOT acceptable.
NOTE: If the purchase is an “OTHER LOWER RECEIVER” that the officer is buying on badge, a letter (following these same assault weapon purchasing requirements) is still needed.
3. It must state that “a records check indicates that the sworn member, inspector, officer, or constable has not been convicted of or under investigation for a crime of family/domestic violence”.
4. It must state that “the firearm will be in use by such sworn member, inspector, officer, or constable in the discharge of “official duties”.
5. The letter must be dated within one week of the purchase.
We do not sell, rent, or share customer information under any circumstances.